
Small village of simple people - too small for a few of the more adventurous!


IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
1 Human 7 11 10 10 13 8 21 blacksmith
2 Human 9 11 6 8 9 8 37 farmer
3 Human 9 10 11 4 9 11 40 hunter
4 Human 11 12 8 12 11 11 7 farmer
5 Human 10 11 10 6 12 15 106 woodcutter
6 Human 14 10 9 11 10 15 166 fisherman
7 Human 9 8 13 11 10 11 62 falconer
8 Human 9 13 9 12 13 12 37 veterinarian
9 Human 5 7 16 9 13 10 51 criminal
10 Human 8 10 9 10 11 12 85 fisherman
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
11 Human 7 10 10 10 17 7 9 hunter
Owes church 31 sp.
12 Human 14 10 6 13 13 8 21 gardener
13 Human 10 11 12 6 11 11 84 hunter
14 Human 13 12 12 16 11 18 175 hunter
15 Human 14 12 11 10 7 11 106 farmer
16 Human 10 6 15 13 11 13 45 scribe
17 Human 14 7 13 9 13 9 22 hunter
18 Human 7 6 6 6 9 11 84 peddler
19 Human 9 15 12 6 8 8 45 laborer
20 Human 6 13 12 13 13 16 181 farmer
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
21 Human 10 10 11 11 15 13 45 farmer
22 Human 14 15 14 16 13 9 4 barkeeper
23 Human 7 12 12 11 12 11 84 hunter
24 Human 11 10 13 14 13 12 26 merchant
25 Human 9 6 10 11 12 11 139 fletcher
26 Human 9 10 14 6 15 7 11 farmer
27 Human 6 12 10 8 11 14 67 farmer
28 Human 10 8 9 7 11 11 73 lawman
29 Human 13 11 14 14 14 12 73 hunter
30 Human 8 17 8 6 7 13 32 trapper
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
31 Elf 14 10 11 14 12 13 45 lawman
32 Elf 11 13 16 11 10 11 40 hunter
33 Elf 9 10 10 15 6 4 16 farmer
Owes grandmother 11 sp.
34 Elf 8 8 10 10 10 11 106 laborer
35 Elf 9 7 13 10 14 11 51 farmer
36 Elf 3 9 15 10 12 8 19 politician
Owes village idiot 19 sp.
37 Elf 13 10 14 10 11 7 18 midwife
38 Elf 7 10 13 11 9 15 76 clergyman
39 Elf 9 6 9 8 12 7 7 carpenter
Owes hermit 10 sp.
40 Elf 8 6 11 9 6 13 19 barkeeper
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
41 Elf 8 16 14 12 14 11 51 laborer
42 Elf 14 7 15 17 18 15 76 Demigod (from maternal grandfather).
43 Elf 10 13 13 14 12 14 53 teacher
44 Elf 8 10 14 14 11 7 11 fisherman
45 Elf 9 16 13 16 10 10 21 farmer
46 Elf 14 11 14 13 12 12 73 midwife
47 Elf 12 8 10 17 8 13 32 poet
48 Elf 10 7 10 12 12 11 84 trapper
49 Elf 11 8 12 11 16 10 102 politician
50 Elf 8 11 13 10 10 13 162 trapper
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
51 Elf 12 12 13 12 10 11 117 courtier
52 Elf 12 9 10 14 15 13 110 silversmith
53 Elf 12 7 13 10 9 15 136 farmer
54 Elf 12 6 16 12 12 7 18 distiller
55 Elf 3 10 11 9 10 12 13 farmer
56 Elf 10 13 10 13 11 11 128 barkeeper
57 Elf 9 12 9 13 9 11 84 cartographer
58 Elf 9 9 14 9 9 7 39 farmer
59 Elf 15 8 13 14 14 8 21 barkeeper
60 Elf 16 8 12 16 7 11 14 falconer
Owes parents 26 sp.
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
61 Halfling 7 13 15 15 10 8 13 hunter
62 Halfling 6 9 14 10 17 12 25 midwife
63 Halfling 9 9 11 14 9 12 85 fisherman
64 Halfling 9 11 13 12 13 9 49 farmer
65 Halfling 11 7 10 17 13 12 61 teacher
66 Halfling 10 6 16 11 14 15 151 farmer
67 Halfling 5 10 14 10 7 10 91 barkeeper
68 Halfling 8 9 11 15 11 12 37 glassblower
69 Halfling 10 10 13 15 12 10 41 laborer
70 Halfling 11 11 15 8 15 14 137 farmer
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
71 Halfling 6 5 14 12 13 13 71 peddler
72 Halfling 12 9 11 14 9 8 27 physician
73 Halfling 11 6 10 10 10 13 220 banker
74 Halfling 8 11 13 9 6 8 29 farmer
75 Halfling 7 8 14 9 8 10 41 farmer
76 Halfling 10 9 14 5 16 12 73 farmer
77 Halfling 11 13 15 8 9 17 77 caretaker
78 Halfling 12 15 17 11 11 11 62 miner
79 Halfling 10 7 10 11 13 12 97 tailor
80 Halfling 6 8 11 11 7 8 29 cartographer
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
81 Gnome 13 6 13 15 13 12 73 barkeeper
82 Gnome 16 9 15 12 8 10 31 fisherman
83 Gnome 13 12 6 15 14 10 41 farmer
84 Gnome 13 11 12 12 5 10 81 farmer
85 Gnome 5 9 8 18 13 13 123 caretaker
86 Gnome 11 8 9 16 12 8 45 candle maker
87 Gnome 12 9 11 13 9 18 139 shepherd
88 Gnome 11 12 11 17 11 10 82 merchant
89 Gnome 10 11 9 16 9 12 25 laborer
90 Gnome 9 9 12 13 12 11 51 clergyman
IndexRace ConStrDexIntChrWis SilverNotes
91 Gnome 16 8 16 11 8 16 23 physician
Owes friend 11 sp.
92 Gnome 8 7 12 10 14 16 85 clergyman
93 Gnome 9 9 13 13 10 8 13 trapper
94 Gnome 7 9 14 10 10 11 84 painter
95 Gnome 13 9 13 14 11 14 11 farmer
96 Gnome 14 12 9 14 10 12 6 shepherd
97 Gnome 13 7 4 11 8 12 121 tanner
98 Gnome 5 8 8 14 18 16 101 fisherman
99 Gnome 11 6 10 10 7 10 10 shepherd
100 Gnome 7 8 8 13 9 12 73 farmer